Bit off more than I could chew

I have been away from my blog for a few days. I bit off more than I could chew as it turned out. I signed on about 2/16 as a freelance writer with a company that has a bright future. They assigned me a marvelous, kind, compassionate mentor. I knew the output requirements ahead of time. It seemed achievable at the time. I underestimated how long it would take me to achieve those requirements each day. For whatever reason, it was more than I could handle on an outgoing basis. It took me a week to be sure. But it became obvious that I was way out of my league. If it was going to get better, it was only going to get marginally better. I could not keep up. It was a scary feeling.  I was exhausted—I went completely without sleep a few nights, and with little some others; I was beginning to have anxiety attacks and I could tell my heart was going more than a bit too fast. So Friday night I had to quit. Saturday and today I rested. Tomorrow I will start to catch up.

But I wanted to be in touch today and let you know that I will begin catching up by tomorrow. I have missed blogging and reading your blogs. God bless each of you…..

to paraphrase John Denver: “Hey it’s good to be back home again; sometimes this old blog, feels like a long lost friend; hey it’s good to be back home again.” Somedays, being a part of this lovely community of bloggers gives me the same feeling I used to get when I could 

make a quick afternoon getaway to the ocean. So thank you for all you are and do. It’s nice to be back….There’s no place like home.  



About Kate Kresse

I love to write, I love to talk, I love to uplift people when I can. I am a woman in love with life. I am a wife, mom, tutor, writer, and I am a perennial optimist. (OK not every single minute but you get the point! :-)
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34 Responses to Bit off more than I could chew

  1. There’s just not enough time in the day to do all that we want and have to do.

  2. Well, if it makes you feel better, I quit my news reporting job, too. I sure was hesitant about it, but they were not kind, and I did NOT know what I was getting into, as they kept upping their desires for what I should do. It’s going to be awkward for a while, as the town people loved my work, but I just am not the one for this extremely political (as it turns out) job of slanting instead of straight reporting.
    I’ll pray for you and you pray for me, okay?
    Wouldn’t you know we’d twin about this, too! 😀

    • Kate Kresse says:

      actually the fact that you did do that recently helped give me the strength and faith to do it. i will pray for you–as always, and thanks for the prayers too—-identical cousins and you’ll find…

  3. mlissabeth says:

    Glad to see you back. I kept looking for new posts from you.

  4. fgassette says:

    Glad you are back. You bring so much knowledge, inspiration and encouragement to the blogging community. I know I appreciate and enjoy all your posts.


  5. Maria Tatham says:

    Kate, I’m so glad to see a post from you and pray you gain a happy perspective!
    In Him,

  6. It is the smart person that realizes their limitations on what their whole system can take. Be proud that you recognized. 🙂

  7. Blessings to you and welcome back to the blog world.

  8. Patricia says:

    Welcome Back, Kate! We are glad you are here!
    Be at peace knowing you made the right decision, based upon the feeling in your heart.


  9. Kate Kresse says:

    Thanks, Patricia! It became patently obvious which path to take….I have zero sense of guilt and a complete sense of peace. thanks for the kind words and the blessings.

  10. auntyuta says:

    To have no guilt feelings and a complete sense of peace: I think this is a wonderful way to be. Thanks for sharing, Kate. I love reading your blogs.

    • Kate Kresse says:

      Thanks Uta—-there have been times in the past where I had to make changes and did feel guilty. this was a peaceful transition….i love reading yours, too Uta–Thanks.

  11. Gilly Gee says:

    Sounds like it was the sort of challenging environment thats guaranteed to stifle creativity! You made a wise decision and its good to have you back!

  12. Welcome back to Kansas Dorothy!
    We missed you!
    This is where you belong, with us. Its not an always a good thing adding new risks to our lives. What is good and important is that you tried, you took the risk, and even better knew when it was not right for you. Not that you were not right for them. Remember that my dear Kate~ Please?

  13. Hi Kate, I so love and appreciate our blogging community too. I have also been taking a prayerful look at my life, in a big picture sense. Certainly there were times when I was younger that I should have set limits and gotten more sleep.

    And I learn the same lessons again and again! Ellen

    • Kate Kresse says:

      I do too, Ellen!. One time I said to my priest/spiritual advisor: “I keep making the same mistakes. I keep doing the same thing and turning away from God over the same stumbling blocks”. He said “two things, Kate: first of all—‘don’t branch out!’ ; second of all ‘chip away at it a little at a time’. ” I found that incredibly wise…

  14. We all bite off more than we can chew from time to time. It’s taken me a long time but I’ve finally come to realize what I can and can not do. My emotions and my body usually are the first to let me know and eventually my brain catches up. You made a wise choice!

  15. Congratulations on taking care of you! I’ve got many things I think I’m ready to take on only to find my “real priorities” are what (really, who) suffer when I spread myself too thin. It’s not always easy to let go of something once we’ve “signed up” but the relief that comes is always the indicator we’ve made the right decision.


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