
I am feeling sentimental today. . . sentimental in advance. I tend to do that. This Friday my son will have his “make-up graduation ceremony”. What do I mean by that? I will tell you! He completed his coursework for his BA in Business Communications in December of 2010. His school holds commencement in the spring. So he was scheduled to graduate  spring of 2010. Family and friends had been invited, and some were scheduled to fly in the day of commencement. Unfortunately, he developed a skin infection the morning of graduation, and was admitted to the ICU for 5 days. I blogged about it here: .

He had his diploma, but didn’t “walk” in the ceremony. So this Friday, God willing, he will at long last, walk across that stage in this spring’s commencement ceremony~and they will shake his hand.. We will beam with pride. I, of course, will weep tears of joy. The slide show of his life will zoom through my mind on fast forward. Does that happen to you? I will look back fondly.

I still remember taking him to the shore the day before his first day of kindergarten. We had a perfect day. We jumped into the waves over and over.  We fed the seagulls. We rode our boogie boards. We tossed shells into the ocean. We laughed and talked. We ate ice cream bars at sunset. Each time that day that I felt weepy, we would leap into the waves. I didn’t want him to worry about me feeling weepy at the pending transition. I wanted nothing to interfere with his excitement and joy at beginning kindergarten. The years we lived out east, that became our day before the first day of school tradition. 

When we lived in the midwest, we altered the tradition somewhat, but we always had a marvelous day the day before school began.

Before each college term, we would go out for coffee and talk about his excitement at the new crop of classes. He and I do love our traditions~actually all three of us do…This, though will be a BIG deal for us. You see, I always envisioned this day. The day he would receive his bachelor’s degree. When I say always, I literally mean from the time he was a baby. I hoped it for him, if that was where he was led.

Who knows whether the actual moment will feel like an over-the-top-thrill or ant
i-climactic; I do know that I will remember the boy he was and see the man he is now. And I say “Son, you did us, yourself, and God, proud”.  I am thrilled the day is coming. And, as a friend of mine said last year “you didn’t get the ceremony, but you have his life”….Friday night, we will have both. 

About Kate Kresse

I love to write, I love to talk, I love to uplift people when I can. I am a woman in love with life. I am a wife, mom, tutor, writer, and I am a perennial optimist. (OK not every single minute but you get the point! :-)
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26 Responses to Remembering…..

  1. Kana Tyler says:

    Congratulations–what a great moment! 🙂

  2. Cathy Monteiro says:

    I’m so glad that Josh is feeling better. Congratulations on this huge accomplishment!

  3. fgassette says:

    YEA! CONGRATULATIONS! What a proud moment coming.


  4. What a celebration of life this will be….far more than most young people would realize! I’m so happy that he has recovered and moving into the next phase of his life. Isn’t healing remarkable! And ahhhh…the walk….our daughter graduated this past June, and it was a day of gratitude and celebration….I can tell you’ll be enjoying the beauty of the day.

    • Kate Kresse says:

      It really will be a celebration. I remember how psyched we were last year. I am a little skittish this year and praying so hard that everything will be ok and we will have the graduation. We will CHERISH the day….so very much.

  5. Praying for his health and your trust and peace. Only two more days.
    God is good, all the time.

  6. Caddo Veil says:

    Oh Kate, I got vicariously weepy (real tears, imagined mom-pride/love)–Picture me there, hugging you both! God bless you in this transition–with a vision for All He has in store!! love, sis Caddo

  7. I also got a little teary…when a mom has watched her child struggle with any disappointment, but especially with illness, there is nothing closer to her heart. Nothing! I hope this graduation ceremony is the full experience for him. I know it will be for you! How wonderful, Kate. Debra

  8. Gilly Gee says:

    Congrats to your lovely son, they make us so proud – and emotional!

  9. niasunset says:

    This is great news dear Kate, congratulations to him. I can imagine how exciting for you all. Blessing and Happiness, with my love, nia

  10. pix & kardz says:

    how wonderful, Kate! congrats on all of you for the journey so far and for the official event coming on Friday! and especially congratulations and blessings to your son Josh. what a great milestone!

  11. Aww didnt read this first I should have done.. all the more reason to say Congratualtions.. And WELL DONE xxx ~Sue

  12. Congrats Kate & Hubby! And to Josh who did all the course work. Just so his mommy and daddy get some kudos too I want to send all three of you loving hugs.~ God Bless Kate!!

  13. Anne says:

    Good Luck and Congratulations Josh (and of course to you too Mom)!! I will pray for him this Friday that he is feeling better and able to make it. Love, Anne

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