Describe the perfect Sunday: Redux and update: topic #233

Describe the perfect Sunday. Awhile back I described my perfect Sunday. After I post this I will go back, find the link to that posting and put it in right here so you can compare.

My perfect Sunday has been going on for a few years. My husband, son, and I go to Mass on Saturday evening, followed by some kind of family activity (could be at home or out and about). On Sunday, we sleep in. I may get up a bit earlier than the guys and do some writing or some reading. We have brunch and just relax. We talk about whatever is on our mind, we laugh, we relax. If it isn’t 117 degrees out like it is supposed to be today, we may grab the dog and go for a walk. We put some music on at home (could be jazz, classical, show tunes, golden oldies, or rock). It is just a day of re-grouping and relaxing. In football season this, of course, includes watching more football.

Our fearless leader of the daily posts put the perfect Sunday topic up again. I am glad he did, because it makes me realize how very blessed I am to have the perfect Sunday almost every week. I am going to put a little twist on my perfect Sunday today. You see, I used to live about an hour and fifteen minutes away from the Jersey Shore–and spend countless lovely hours relaxing and playing on Long Beach Island (aka LBI). I have the news reports of Tropical Storm Irene on the news this morning as I post this blog. So today, my ideal Sunday would be about heading to LBI. Here we go…

My ideal Sunday means waking up in a little rented house on LBI (without a hurricane or tropical storm). We went to Mass the night before and we are here for the week—so we have no requirements ahead of us. Just lovely, lovely ocean breezes and a gorgeous stretch of uncrowded beach. That’s right, Ship Bottom on LBI does not get the huge crowds some of the other spots get—there are no amusement park rides, no Putt Putt, no souvenir shops, just beach, a few motels, restaurants, and homes. Anyway, we wake up, make our coffee and brunch and sit out on the deck while we eat. Later we walk the shore, talking, skipping shells, taking pictures and laughing at the seagulls’ antics. We put up our beach umbrella and plunk our chairs down on the sand. We spend hours just relaxing and enjoying the refreshing ocean beaches. Oh the sound of the waves hitting the sand is I believe one of the most beautiful sounds in the whole world.

Around 4 oc’clock we head back to the little cottage. We shower and get dressed to go out to dinner. Before we head out we have some wine and cheese out on the deck. Around 5:30 we head to either Ship Bottom Seafood Restaurant or to The Wheelhouse Restaurant. Either way—for dinner: Seafood Bisque, Salad, Broiled Sea Scallops, Sweet Corn, Asparaus, and Potato! Oh we gorge gorge gorge and it is so delicious!

After dinner we walk the beach. We can see the lighthouse at the end of the island, twinkling away in the twilight and we can see the gorgeous sky painted in pinks, oranges, and reds as the sun sets down over the bay. We go back to the cottage and sit on the deck—just enjoying the ocean. We may go back down to the beach, we may stay on the deck. We have all the windows open so the breezes can blow through. No one outside of NJ would ever believe it is so beautiful. Hmmm–perhaps it should remain a well kept secret.

At some point we head to bed and dream sweet dreams of LBI while listening to the waves hit the shore….one of the most beautiful sounds in the world….ah…Goodnight, sweet dreams and God bless you!

About Kate Kresse

I love to write, I love to talk, I love to uplift people when I can. I am a woman in love with life. I am a wife, mom, tutor, writer, and I am a perennial optimist. (OK not every single minute but you get the point! :-)
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