Creation of New Blog Award: The Candle Lighter Award

There are a number of blog/blogger awards. I began to think about my purpose for blogging. I mean the title of my blog reveals a lot about my mission: Believe Anyway. I have blogged before that I chose the title to remind myself to stay optimistic. My purpose is to light a candle in the darkness that envelopes us all at times. I want to lighten loads and light the way. I gravitate towards positive people and positive blogs.  I want to start a blog award that reflects my love for the positive in the blogosphere.

{To see a list of blogs that have been given The Candle Lighter Award Click on The Candle Lighter Award button on my header.}

I call my award The Candle Lighter Award. It is for blogs and bloggers that light a candle in the darkness with their blog. What does it mean? Whenever I see a post or blog that I think brings light to the world, I will put a copy of this post and give them The Candle Lighter Award. What does the recipient have to do to accept it? Just accept it and put the Candle Lighter Award badge from my blog onto their blog. Please put the link from this post about my creation of the award in a post on your blog so people can read about it.  What else do recipients have to do? Nothing. If they do think someone else is a Candle Lighter, they can surely give them the award anytime they want and as often as they want. [i’d love it if you could send me the links for the blogs you do find worthy of the award, because I’d love to see their blogs, too! But it isn’t required]. Their is no limit to how many blogs you award The Candle Lighter Award to and no limit to how many times someone can receive it. But when you do, I ask that you use the link for this post.

Let’s set the blogging world ablaze with Candles for all the positive oriented blogs. The world needs joy and lots of it.

Why am I doing this? I think people that are going through the efforts to be positive and make the world better through their efforts and blogs deserve to be recognized. I am always looking for encouragement and ‘light’. I want my faith, my optimism, and my love for life to help to set the world ablaze. Hence: The Candle Lighter Award. I hope that you love this idea.

About Kate Kresse

I love to write, I love to talk, I love to uplift people when I can. I am a woman in love with life. I am a wife, mom, tutor, writer, and I am a perennial optimist. (OK not every single minute but you get the point! :-)
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218 Responses to Creation of New Blog Award: The Candle Lighter Award

  1. dogear6 says:

    Kate – here’s a comment I left on how to get the award into your side bar. Let me know if you need more help.


  2. dogear6 says:

    P.S. Love the idea!! What a great way to honor fellow bloggers!

  3. I love it! 🙂 My favorite blogs are those that make a positive statement. They deserve to be recognized for being optimistic without fault!

    • Kate Kresse says:

      CB I so agree!!!! Pass it along to whomever you wish whenever you wish. No requirement. No minimum. No maximum. I’d love to know who you pass it along to so I can mention them on my page called The Candle Lighter Award.

  4. Northern Narratives says:

    Thank you so much for giving me The Candle Lighter Award.
    Merry Christmas.

  5. Thank you so much for the beautiful award. I have created a few like this myself as the “no strings” is a way to let other s know that their blog is amazing in and of itself, not just as a tool to create more connections (which is fine, but getting an award with no strings feels more like an award and not a ‘chain letter’). I am honored that you chose my blog to receive this beautiful creation of yours. Thank you.

    • Kate Kresse says:

      thanks! were you able to copy my photo and use it as a widget? I have never tried to create that for folks, and do not know whether it is working for people. I was inspired to do it with no strings because of a wise comment by a fellow blogger about a different award. Your blog deserves it. Hug the birthday puppy from me 🙂

  6. Kathy says:

    I love it. Thank you!

  7. pix & kardz says:

    hi Kate – i appreciate your outlook on life, and your wonderful idea of creating the Candle Lighter award. not sure if you had a chance to read my reply to your comment. just to reiterate, it is certainly a worthy award and it is very kind of you to encourage your fellow bloggers around the blogosphere, and all of that just because of wanting to express appreciation. how cool is that.
    so i am honoured to be considered, and yet at the same time i am gratefully declining this award. thank you so much again! 🙂

  8. gwen07 says:

    Kate, you are too kind. You light the darkness with your goodness and your ‘believe anyway’ spirit.


  9. judithatwood says:

    Hi, Kate, Here is the link to my post about the Candle Lighter’s Award, along with the list of bloggers I chose to start. Great idea!

  10. judithatwood says:

    Sorry — I mean here is the link:

    Bitter-Sweet…because life with diabetes isn’t all bad
    Halfway Between the Gutter and the Stars
    Kana’s Notebook
    The Poetry of David Agnew
    The Ranting Liberal

  11. Pingback: Candle Lighter Award and a Very Interesting Coincidence | Believe Anyway

  12. jakesprinter says:

    Your award Travel around the world
    And from your Original image,
    Sorry,If I make the image Realistic
    so I change the candle light into real one,just for better view 🙂

  13. Pingback: With a humble heart | Transitioning Mom

  14. niasunset says:

    Dear Kate Kresse,today I have met with you(with your name and blog in my friends’ blogs… Dear Nandini and dear Jake…

    Receiving the ‘Blogging Awards’ – Thank you. 🙂
    This is so beautiful…and what a great honor for beautiful blogger friends… Thank you that you created such a beautiful and meaningful award… This is very kind of you, dear Kate, sorry I haven’t time yet to visit your blog, but you have a new reader and visitor too now. I hope my candle will help to spread this beautiful light… Thank you, Happy New Year, Blessing and Happiness, with my love, nia

  15. eof737 says:

    WoW! This is beautiful and I feel honored to be nominated for this one… It is the perfect gift to end the year of blogging on… TY so much! Happy Holidays! 🙂

  16. An award that calls for celebration. Thank you. It is an honor to receive awards that brings inspiration to others….even as a light on a world often covered with dark clouds. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  17. Debbie says:

    Kate – What a completely lovely idea! I haven’t received the award, but I read about it on Memories of Caleb. He is a light – as are you!
    I hope your Christmas was very merry – it sounds like it was, and I wish you a joy-filled New Year!

  18. Thanks Kate for creating this beautiful award to help recognize and encourage other bloggers. I was humbled when one of my blog followers, The Woman at the Well nominated me for this award. It could not have come at a more-needed time. Read about it in the article I posted today, “A Hope For More Than Human Tinsle Strength”. There are many bloggers who are united in sharing love, hope, peace, and joy with others, and I look forward to sharing this award with some of them. May you be blessed with Divine favor in this coming new year. Blessings, Connie

  19. JMishra says:

    I just received the Candle Lighter Award and I think it’s really an excellent idea. Not only from the standpoint of recognition, but also from the incentive it gives writers like me to keep striving to reach out and inspire. I’ll be watching for worthy blogs to pass it on to. Thanks so much!

  20. Pingback: Candle Lighter Award Recipient! | MoonLightened Way

  21. Judy says:

    Kate…What a lovely award. jakesprinter nominated me for this award, and I followed his links to your blog to find out more about it! Such a uplifting, positive award…..thank you for starting it!

    • Kate Kresse says:

      You are so welcome! I wanted to bring recognition and affirmation to positive bloggers. Glad you received the award! Let me know if you want the original picture for your badge—Jake’s version is animated and my original is static. The static original is on my blog. Some prefer animated and some static.

  22. Kate, I was so touched and humbled when thewomanatthewell nominated me for this award. This was truly an affirmation of my desire to bring the light of God’s love to all those who read my blog. God Bless you for creating this award and encouraging bloggers to flood the internet with words that will uplift and bring hope. Thank you for making a difference…God’s abundant blessings to you!

  23. Kate, This is such a lovely award…thank you for starting it. I was offered it by Connie from A Hope From Today. I mentioned to Connie that when I first started my blog in April, my intention was to share “pages” I had made that had helped me through some difficult times….and that perhaps the ideas might help others. One of my first posts was based on the song “Be a light in my lantern” a song that I love by Josh Ritter. My “own” inspiration candle (that image is on the door of our family room) is on the bottom of that post. (link to that post: ) And so I thank you sincerely for encouraging all of us to uplift and bring hope to each other. Another post you might like is “Hope comes from a large family,” using words by Maria, at enermazing. And so…thank you again…warm smiles of encouragement and appreciation to you….Kathy

    • Kate Kresse says:

      what a wonderful blog you have created. I love your purpose and the concepts in your blog. I know the Josh Ritter song you are talking about. Sigh. It is SO lovely and inspirational. Blessings to you—and keep on being a light in the darkness.

  24. I hear you loud and clear Kate in all that you say! Nice of you to create such a special award. Namaste – attractionmagnets.Wordpress

  25. Pingback: 12/30 A candle lighter thank you…. « Reflections From a Friend

  26. Pingback: Candle Lighter Award « Living The Seasons

  27. Pingback: Candle Lighter Award: Candles in the Darkness Growing | Believe Anyway

  28. Pingback: On Blogging: Can We Talk? | Mirth and Motivation

  29. Pingback: On Blogging: Can We Talk? | The Blog Farm - A Growing Blog Community

  30. Pingback: Looking Back at Post a Day 2011 — How’d You Do? | Believe Anyway

  31. Thank you for this creation.. I recently recieved a Candle Light Award and traced its source back to you.. Many thanks for this wonderful Idea.. I have to get my head into gear now and accept and follow through with all the recent awards I have been given and accept them as graciously as they are given.. I wish you and yours a very Happy 2012.. ~Dreamwalker

  32. Pingback: lighting up the world…one candle at a time « hugmamma's MIND, BODY and SOUL

  33. Pingback: A New Year, Another Award | KittyHere or There, Anywhere

  34. jakesprinter says:

    Hello Kate hows the Update? 🙂

    • Kate Kresse says:

      I did an update on the image—Nancy helped me to do it 🙂

    • Kate Kresse says:

      Regarding the update: Refresh my memory, Jake…as I said, I updated the photo for the award with another blogger’s help–she adjusted the pixels, etc. So that is what I have in the links when I give out the award. Is that what you are referring to? You have been handing out the award to so many deserving blogs/bloggers–that is terrific! If you click on my page for The Candle Lighter Award you will see a ton of recipients. It has grown and spread—I do not think I am going to be able to have a complete list of all awardees…but I assume you are listing who you have handed them out to, too, right?

      • jakesprinter says:

        Very hard job now for you to manage the list of awardee i think , he,he
        it is spreading to fast ,Good luck to you ..ask me if you need help 🙂

        • Kate Kresse says:

          it is surprising and not surprising how fast it is spreading! Most people that receive it pass it on to almost every blog they follow. When you think about it, that isn’t surprising. Why? Positive people tend to gravitate towards other positive people, right? As a result, the progression is geometric :-)! Yesterday one of the bloggers I passed it along to gave the award to 55 bloggers!! I assume you are tracking all of the people you gave it out to, too, right?

  35. Sony Fugaban says:

    I am glad I was given the opportunity to have this award.

  36. Pingback: The Candle Lighter Award « Simply Charming

  37. Pingback: Receiving the Candle Lighter Award | mellifluousmurmurs

    • Kate Kresse says:

      You have a lovely and inspiring blog. I hope that you keep lighting up the world the way you have been.Thank you for quoting me in your post. I am honored to be a part of your joy.

  38. Beautiful concept and truly honored to have received it 🙂

    Receiving the Candle Lighter Award

  39. Pingback: This Little Light Of Mine | these days of mine

  40. Pingback: Candle Lighter Award « Writing Life in Words & Photos

  41. Pingback: The Candlelight Award & Humbleness « Lady Barefoot Baroness

  42. Pingback: The Candle Lighter Award | "On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea"

  43. Pingback: Go light your world « Mama's Empty Nest

  44. Pingback: Candle Lighter Award | The Joy of the Written Word

  45. phylor says:

    I discovered your page through the award recently given to Becca Givens “On Dragon Fly Wings with Buttercup Tea.” You have started such a wonderful idea, and I am so glad to see that folks, like Becca, are given the kind of recognition they receive for the uplifting, inspiring, and amazing blogs they write.
    I just wanted to say how wonderful your award is, and I’m looking forward to following some of these links to read other Candle Light Award receivers.
    Thanks for putting sunshine and light into a world that can so easily slip into the shadows.

    • Kate Kresse says:

      You are welcome===what an absolutely lovely way to put it…the world can so easily slip into the shadows. That is why we need a LOT of Candle Lighter blogs—like yours 🙂

  46. phylor says:

    PS: Would you mind if I draw attention to your blog and your award in a future blog I write? I think that there are folks out there who a) deserve the award and b) might like to nominate a blog they know of that fits your award well.
    My blog has been less than inspiring and uplifting of late, but I am trying to travel new paths, take new journeys, and would love to let folks know about your wonderful award. My blog is: phylors blog: chronic pain, life, and all that at (not looking for an award myself, just your permission to mention your blog 🙂 )

  47. Pingback: Awarded! Who, Me? | Word Play

  48. Pingback: Passing the Torch! | "On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea"

  49. Pingback: The Candle Lighter Award | Paulette's Blog

  50. pbus1 says:

    Hello Kate,

    What an excellent idea! I really like the way this award brings bloggers together. I am honored and humbled, to have been chosen as a recipient of The Candle Lighter Award. I was nominated by Sherline, at Thank you! May the Lord bless you abundantly, and keep you in His loving care!


    • Kate Kresse says:

      Paulette—i am thrilled that it is bringing bloggers together. That was my hope and dream. That we can shelter each other through life’s storms. That is why God gives us each other.

  51. Pingback: Candle Lighter Award Reaches Critical Mass « Inside Out Cafe

  52. cravencreativity says:

    Kate, I cannot begin to express to you how much being given this award means to me!!! For someone to recognize my blog in this way gives me great encouragement and puts joy in my heart to know that what I am sharing is making some sort of positive difference… You are a kind soul full of so much light, thanks for sharing that with the world… This has made my day… Thank you!

  53. Pingback: the amazing things the cyberverse brings: the candle lighter award | Phylor's Blog

  54. Pingback: Candle Lighter Award…. « CravenCreativity

  55. Pingback: The Candle Lighter Award, passing it along… « Christian fantasy for women

  56. Pingback: Awards: Accepted with Gratitude – Passed On with Love « Soul Dipper

  57. Pingback: paths of dappled sunlight; inspirational steps | Phylor's Blog

  58. Pingback: The Candle Lighter Award | NM's Writers bloq

  59. Pingback: The Candle Lighter Award « Kate Policani

  60. I’ve awarded The Candle Lighter to Angela Fish, and Laura Pfundt, ! Thanks for creating this fun award!

  61. phylor says:

    Kate — I have passed along my first candle lighter award — it was hard to choose who to hono(u)r first, but I picked Sunshine and Chaos ( because of her inspirational quotes, kindness and thoughtfulness, her willingnes to discuss her own chronic illnesses and pass along resources to other folks.
    I wanted to let you know that I had passed along the award (I’m going to email the author and let her know) and I already have an idea who I will nominate next.
    Thanks again for the award, and openning up a new world for me to light my way through the shadows!

  62. Pingback: sunshine and chaos: passing on my 1st candle light award | Phylor's Blog

  63. Pingback: Candle Lighter Award Nominations « Women's Window

  64. Pingback: Hmmm… Another Blog Award « My Hmmm Collection

  65. Pingback: Candle Lighter Award « Pamforddavis's Blog | The Candle Blog

  66. Pingback: A Blogger’s First Award via Candlelight « Technicolor Day Dreams

  67. Pingback: My Candle Lighter Award Nominees | MoonLightened Way

  68. Pingback: Candle Lighter Award Nominations « sharin' His love

  69. Pingback: The Candle Lighter Award « sunshine and chaos

  70. Pingback: Candle Lighter Award « I Believe

  71. Pingback: 2nd candle lighter award: picnic with ants | Phylor's Blog

  72. phylor says:

    Hi Kate:

    My 2nd candle lighter award goes to Wendy from a picnic with ants Wendy is a creative, giving soul who kept a candle light for me during my late dark times.
    I already have a 3rd person in mind, and hope to get her award up and awarded by tomorrow. Thanks again for giving me the award, and the opportunity to share it with folks who have lite candles that helped me find my way at the tao of the crossroads.

  73. Pingback: Many and Varied Thoughts | I choose how I will spend the rest of my life

  74. Charismatick says:

    Hi Ma’am!
    THANK YOU SO MUCH For YOUR GREAT AWARDS!!!! I’m So Glad that u considered my blog for this special award!!! When I saw Your Nomination I was Stumbled for a minute.This is My First Awards and its not One its Two.OMG!!! Am Much Happy. This gives me Encouragement to be Active in Blogging.I ll do my Best.
    you help to make my blog world bright. I haven’t been a blogged for long time and this really pats me on the back.Once again, Thanks a Lot!!!
    Have a Successful Year!!! Keep on Your Great Work!

  75. I just received your award from Miro at Warrior Poet Wisdom.
    I’m fairly new to blogging (since April of 2011) and didn’t know blog awards existed!
    It’s nice to know from where this award originated. I look forward to reading more of your posts.


  76. Pingback: Candle Lighter Award « You As A Machine

  77. Pingback: You like me !!!!!!!!!!!! | Chronicles of Illusions

  78. Pingback: Idea: Being Loved « A Daily Life

  79. Pingback: Once Again, A Big Thank You! | Gracie Sam

  80. Pingback: Miss Chronically Creative: 3rd candle light award | Phylor's Blog

  81. Cathy G says:

    I’m new to the blogging world and I came across this. What a wonderful idea!

  82. jakesprinter says:

    Thanks for the support

  83. Pingback: Candle Lighter Award « Comments from Cathy

  84. Caroline says:

    Thanks for the nomination!

  85. Pingback: Share and Support: Candle Lighter Award! « Dream Hour

  86. jcnierad says:

    Thank you for initiating such a positive award, Kate! I am so happy to accept mine at and even happier to nominate two very bright lights of the world wide web and!

  87. Pingback: The Candle Lighter Award | Freedomborn

  88. Pingback: Candle Lighter Award | If I Were Brave

  89. Pingback: The Candle Lighter Award and the HUG Award « Meg Travels

  90. megtraveling says:

    Hi Kate! I wanted you to know that I’ve posted my receiving the Candle Lighter Award on my blog. I want to say thank you so much for the honor of this award! I’ve also included this link in my post. Thanks again for recognizing my blog with this wonderful award. I do think it’s important to be upbeat!

  91. Ellen says:

    Delightful to meet you Ms. Kate and learn of your “enlightening” Candle Lighter Award. Megtraveling just nominated another site & blogger, breathelighter & Debra, a dear friend of mine. I am simply so excited for Debra to be honored with this award. I remember sitting with Debra when she shared with me her interest in and creation of her blog. Months later, she prodded me to jump into blogosphere too so here I am only at two months old! You all are veterans in my view.

    What I really want you to know is how I value the inspiration I’m reading in your posts to be positive and encouraging. Sometimes (like now) I feel stalled in writing because I’m not in that mental or emotional place of lightness. Often I wait for the match to light my own candle so when I do post I wish my messages to share warm energy into this arena.

    Now it is most certainly about Debra and breathelighter–a well deserved award, indeed!


    • Kate Kresse says:

      Ellen–Thank you so much for sharing this story about Debra; I am delighted to know her and you, too. Isn’t the blog world a wondrous place? It is bringing so many people together. The lightness comes and goes for all of us. Sometimes the vagaries of life blows out one of our lights. That is why community is so important. We can bring the light back to each other. Blessings to you today—Kate

      • Ellen says:

        Thank you for your generous response to me, the novice. I learn more about the blogging community while being humbled at the writing talents of so many. From such clever word “plays” giving me the laugh-outloud moments to the pain shared by others with pains so descriptive to pull moments of hushed empathy flowing from my soul; sometimes I comment, other times I have no idea what to say. I suppose this is what blogosphere is all about.
        I will take your words to heart and remember that we need others here to relight our occasional extinguished candle. And so many generous bloggers want us to all be successful. Hooray!
        Now, you’ve extended to me a real encouragement–the honor of the Candle Lighter Award directly from the originator. I am speechless…or is it wordless? Thank you most sincerely, Ellen

        • Kate Kresse says:

          You’re welcome, Ellen. Speechless–wordless—but definitely not hugless. I have the same reaction you described as I travel through the wonderful blogosphere. Stay encouraged, write what’s in your heart. God bless you—kate

  92. Pingback: It’s Award time! « the Thought Palette

  93. ferragudofan says:

    thank you so much for giving me this award – I was so chuffed!
    and here is my post about this – with information about a very worthy blogger that I have passed this award to..
    Thank you again

  94. Pingback: Versatile Blogger Award…for me? Thanks! « Marcia Clarke–La Chica Writes

  95. Pingback: Our acceptance speech…it IS award season after all! | breathelighter

  96. Pingback: Award Sundays: the Candle-Lighter Award | Reinventing the We'll

  97. Pingback: A is for Awards! « Julie Dawn Fox in Portugal

  98. Pingback: Candle Lighter Award « Picnic with Ants

  99. wendy says:

    I received this wonderful award from Phylor,
    Today I passed it along to 2 recipients who have been through their own person trials and terrors, and yet they still shine a light of positivism and Hope. They have each given me shown me a flame to light my way through hardships.
    You can find my post at

    Thank you for creating such a thoughtful award. It truly warmed my heart to receive such a positive and enlightening (pun intented) award!

  100. Pingback: Candle Lighter Award « Picnic with Ants | Candle

  101. Pingback: Emerging From The Bee Hive « beegraziani

  102. Pingback: Candle Lighter Award.. Huzzah! | Limebird Writers

  103. Pingback: Thank you! « Francis DeAngelo


  105. a friend told me she sent my name to you and my webpage as she nominated me for this award. Am I supposed to post the picture and all the info on my page? thanks

    • Kate Kresse says:

      It is up to you. If you want to accept it, go ahead and post the badge on your page; you can write a post about receiving the award, just put the link in your post. You can pass the award on to as many or as few people as you wish. Any time in the future you want to give the award you can, too. If you pass it on, use the link as well so folks know the history of it. If that doesn’t make sense, just comment on back. congratulations on the award.

  106. Pingback: And the award goes to… «

  107. Pingback: Brownie Points from Beloved Bloggers (^^)/ « The Life of a Boiled Egg

  108. Pingback: The Candle Lighter Award | My Unique Life in Windows Live Space

  109. Pingback: The Candle Lighter Award « Work the Dream

  110. Pingback: Six Word Saturday « Work the Dream

  111. Pingback: The Candle Lighter Award « silentlyheardonce

  112. Pingback: The Candle Lighter Award « silentlyheardonce | Candle

  113. Pingback: musings of a bookaholic (2): awards… what? | Miss Bookaholic

  114. Pingback: I feel pretty | as long as i'm singing

  115. Pingback: Candle Lighter Award & Our Lovely Blog Award « sweatlikemambo

  116. Pingback: 3.4.12 I am honored to be a Candle Lighter « dogdaz

  117. Pingback: Sunday Surprises: Warm and fuzzies and awards! « graveyards and grasslands

  118. Pingback: candle lighter two plus one | Phylor's Blog

  119. phylor says:

    I’ve awarded a joint candle lighter award to two very special bloggers. They are an inspiration to each other and to so many. They light candles of creativity, inspiration, and both received nominations to the recent WEGO health activist blog awards.
    And, I hope you don’t mind, but I added to this post a candle lighter award for comments. There is a another very special person who, despite her crippling, agonizing pain, leaves encouraging comments, her posts to facebook often are inspiring quotes and links to encouraging and positive websites and blogs. Her own pain makes regular blog entries difficult, but her postings are searingly honest, and she expresses with strong words and poetry her own fears, and experiences. Her comments and facebook activities continue to provide inspiration for so many others I thought that the candle she lights for others (even if it’s not necessarily through a blog) in her encouragement and support deserved recognition. Sorry if I overstepped the spirit and goal of these awards! is the short link to candle lighter two plus one

    • Kate Kresse says:

      That is perfect. I think your latest award recipients are definitely deserving. Good for you for passing it on. You absolutely did NOT overstep. You did great!!

      • phylor says:

        Thanks, Kate. I wasn’t sure if those who light candles through their inspiration outside the original concept would fit into the project.
        Thanks for your encouragement. The 7 X 7 is still a work in progress.

        • Kate Kresse says:

          No problem whatsoever. My concept was to bring recognition to folks ho light up the world. that is the key! No pressure whatsoever on the 7 X 7. You are amazing.

  120. oregonsmiles says:

    Thank you so much. This and the other awards you have listed are wonderful. I have someone that I want to share this with. She has inspired me to step out of my box and find a creative outlet for my positive energy. It has been truly amazing discovering this blogging world of WordPress. I am loving it. Thank you and stop by for coffee someday. ~Franny

  121. Pingback: Ron’s Corner – 3 Awards | Freedomborn … set free

  122. Freedomborn says:

    Hi Kate I had much Joy sharing your Award with others without the pressure to do so and thanked God for the talent he gave you and your heart of kindness for others, may you be greatly blessed in all you do.

    Christian Love from both of us Rom and Anne.

  123. katia68 says:

    What a wounderful idea..
    We need more optimistic and faithful people.
    Keep shining.
    Like your blog.

  124. Pingback: Candle Light Burns (at ) Bring Them Home | Bring Them Home

  125. lion6255 says:

    Thank you so much for doing this. There s alot of negativity in the world and anything we can do to make this old world a better place is wonderful. I’m also a big believer in Pay It Forward. I think everyone should be encouraged to watch this movie. It may be an older movie but the message is still there and should be heeded by more in these trying times!

    • Kate Kresse says:

      aw pay it forward was an amazing movie… are right. if we each add to our world it is definitely such a big big help. thanks so much for stopping by

  126. Pingback: The Candle Lighter Award – Dedicated To My Lord Jesus Christ… The Light Of The World « Text Blog

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