Movie Review: Seven Days in Utopia

Write a review of the last movie you saw My family and I saw Seven Days in Utopia a few weeks ago. We were attracted to the movie for a few reasons: it hadn’t had much publicity (which indicated it may have been a small indie movie); it had Robert Duvall; it was rated G!

Well we were definitely pleasantly surprised. It was a small, modest movie. I believe it was entirely filmed in Utopia, TX. It had some wonderful messages and lessons in the movie. It reminded me a bit of Second Hand Lions (also starring Duvall). The movie delves into the main character’s mindset and issues. He is a young man trying to make his way into professional golfing. But as is the case in this type of movie, the movie is about so much more than golf. It is about life, the journey through life, and discovering what is important. The film is touching without being maudlin, inspiring without banging the viewer over the head, and sweet without being nauseating.

It would be a great movie for anyone, really, but would be especially good for young people to see with their parents—I’d say it is especially memorable and inspiring for people from early teens to late twenties–because they do hunger for guidance and inspiration. Of course it is wonderful for all adults, too—we could all use a boost and reminder.

Little kids might not get much out of it—it’s hard for me to say. But since it is rated G there is nothing inappropriate in it by any stretch of the imagination. There is one scene where the main character breaks some of his golf clubs in a fit of anger—but it isn’t by any means glorified.

All in all, it is a wonderful movie. I think when it comes out on DVD I will buy it. It is definitely worth seeing again.

About Kate Kresse

I love to write, I love to talk, I love to uplift people when I can. I am a woman in love with life. I am a wife, mom, tutor, writer, and I am a perennial optimist. (OK not every single minute but you get the point! :-)
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