Never In a Million Years

I have always been a writer. When I was in elementary school I would fill the scratch pads my dad brought home from work with my stories.  I put one of those stories (and created card catalog cards for it) in my library in my town.Winona Public Library I wrote stories for my teachers. I filled my teachers’ desks with my papers (stories, research papers, business projects). In my corporate days I filled my bosses’ and higher ups’ in-boxes with manuals I created and ideas for improving either the business or the procedures.

After graduate school, a friend of mine and I published a textbook on financial management. Still, my heart and mind were full of more to say. In the ensuing years of parenthood and being a homemaker, I filled my mind and conversations with my beliefs, analogies, stories…I longed then and now to reach out to people. I always felt called to strengthen and encourage. i often did reach out—in friendship, through groups I joined, and oh so many ways.

That was and is one of the reasons I began this blog. I am loving it. I love the uplifting people I have found. Never in a million years, though, did it occur to me that people would actually regularly stop in to read what I have to say. Today when I took a peek at my stats I was astonished. I began blogging in earnest about a year ago. I filled in prior dates during the post a day 2011 project. But really, I began posting in earnest late April or early May of last year. As of today my stats said “30,007 views all-time”.

I don’t post to brag or ask for kudos. I post this amazing fact to thank you. I really do thank you. It means so much to me that I have a chance to express myself. It means even more that some of my thoughts, hopes, prayers, and ideas not only reach people, but help them, too. So to wordpress, my blogging friends, and He who created me, I say with humility and gratitude….thank you. You enrich my life~thanks. To those who ‘follow’ or ‘subscribe’ — my deepest thanks.

About Kate Kresse

I love to write, I love to talk, I love to uplift people when I can. I am a woman in love with life. I am a wife, mom, tutor, writer, and I am a perennial optimist. (OK not every single minute but you get the point! :-)
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37 Responses to Never In a Million Years

  1. Kathy says:

    Good for you!

  2. misswhiplash says:

    it is always a pleasure to read your posts, especially now that I can see what i am reading. We, and in this I include all your blogging friends as well as myself also thank The Lord that he pointed you in the WordPress direction and that we have the benefit of reading what you have written…Thank you

    • Kate Kresse says:

      I am so happy you can see again….and I am in awe that I found you and my other friends. to zoom around the world and see each other’s ideas, scenery, and experiences through each other’s eyes and frames of reference….it is as though we are all members of the UN 🙂

  3. Your enthusiasm for writing and the way you express your thoughts with real conviction is what brings readers back! You have a loyal readership,Kate! Those are impressive stats in just a year! Continued success, but more than that, wishing you continued enjoyment! Debra

    • Kate Kresse says:

      I am glad that my enthusiasm does shine through. That is a defining characteristic of mine :-). I am blessed beyond measure with kind readers. You are lovely, you truly are. Thanks, Debra~ kate

  4. Debbie says:

    Anyone who spreads light and warmth as you should be read! 😀
    Good for you! And good for us!

  5. reneeboomer says:

    Thank YOU Kate! YOU are awesome!! What more can I say? Oh, I can say I am happy to have met you and happy I found your blog. Have a wonderful day. hugs. Renee 🙂

    • Kate Kresse says:

      Thanks, Renee….wish you lived nearby—I could really use an inspirational workout buddy! You are awesome.

    • reneeboomer says:

      YOU are most welcome. OH for sure! I could of grabbed you this morning when I went on a 4 mile power walk. The sun is shining too. 🙂

      • Kate Kresse says:

        I would have gone, too! Finding it hard to make myself do it 🙂

        • reneeboomer says:

          Oh good!! I will think of you tomorrow morning when I am at the GYM at 6 a.m. Would you go that early? 🙂

          • Kate Kresse says:

            That is the funny thing, Renee. If I am going to meet up with someone to do it, then I do. Bit by bit you are inspiring me!

            • reneeboomer says:

              Good for you Kate! Love your Spirit. I am so committed to my GYM Workouts and actually go alone. My Hubby says if you look up ‘Dedicated” in the Dictionary my name is beside it. ha ha He is proud of me though. 🙂

  6. Susan Michaels says:

    Thank YOU, Kate. And bless you for following your heart and dream to write! What an interesting blog, and how wonderful of you to share your many inspiring thoughts with us!

  7. Maria Tatham says:

    It’s such fun to hear about your journey, Kate! Thank you for being here for us,

  8. Cee Neuner says:

    It is still good bragging rights.

  9. Kate Kresse says:

    🙂 Guess it is, Cee ;-). Amazing…

  10. Hi.
    Thanks for you kind words over at my site. I am still alive. 🙂
    Will pray for you and yours. ❤

  11. Gilly Gee says:

    Wonderful Kate, your blog is a joy!

  12. Northern Narratives says:

    Congrats on one year of blogging. I am so glad to know you and your blog 🙂 Judy

  13. Mike Fisk says:

    Congrats Kate. I say ditto to all the accolades above and thank you for the encouragement you have been to me.

  14. Caddo Veil says:

    This is so wonderful, Kate–and I share your feelings, “never in a million years”. You’re welcome, and thank you, too–I love coming here for a refreshing burst of LIFE. And I love you–so much! sis Caddo

  15. I’m so grateful to have found you, that you do in fact blog. My world would be so much smaller without you now Kate. Please keep writing here, don’t decide to go away.

    I too.. never in a million years….

    • Kate Kresse says:

      I’m grateful to have found you too! I will blog as long as God leads me to do it :-). ….which of course makes me think of that amazing speech delivered by Jim in Grapes of Wrath as he leaves his mom. You know the one—played to a fare=thee=well by Henry Fonda….where he says “I’ll be there”…. Yes, sweet Baroness—I will keep writing! Hope your trip was amazing.

      • I’ll be ther…” ahh yes I do know the one. One of my fave books & films.
        I had an amazing weird trip. Learned an awful lot I was not expecting to. I shall post about it soon with a photo of the most bodacious Red Hat I have ever bought in 8 trs of buying Red Hats.

        • Kate Kresse says:

          Powerful, powerful scene. I have the students I tutor pull it up on youtube so they can feel the power of that scene….SIGH…I still remember the first time i read that wondrous book.

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